NBFIP Collaboration

What We Do

What We Do

This program brings critical resources to treat wildfire hazards on private properties throughout the region, with a focus on serving disadvantaged communities. The North Bay Forest Improvement Program (NBFIP) supports planning and implementation of projects on private forested lands to reduce risks of wildfire and promote forest health. The program provides financial incentives to landowners to conduct this critical work.

Our Mission

The North Bay Forest Improvement Program (NBFIP) brings critical resources to treat wildfire hazards and promote forest health on private properties throughout Lake, Mendocino, Napa, and Sonoma Counties.

Why it matters: Helping small non-industrial forest landowners conduct fuels treatments make sure that all of our communities’ forested lands, public and private, are being made more resilient against future wildfires.

“We view it as a pilot project, and we’re excited to build and refine a regional strategy for identifying and funding forest health and fire resiliency projects in partnership with CAL FIRE,”

Lucas Patzek, project steering committee member and Napa County RCD District Manager.

What We’ve Achieved

Currently, NBFIP has received 68 landowner applications across three batches and has 15 projects in progress.

Six projects have been fully completed, totaling over 137 acres of private forestland treated, and over $200,000 in landowner incentive payments disbursed.

By 2026, NBFIP will fund 100 forest management projects treating 1500 acres of private land and support the creation of 40 forest management plans and provide technical assistance to over 450 landowners.


  • After the Glass Fire burned through our property, it left a lot of dead standing manzanita and trees. The North Bay Forest Improvement Program grant gave us the funds we needed to hire the labor to cut, pile and burn all that vegetation. Now, seven months and 200 burn piles later, the work is done, and we are much better protected from a future wildfire coming from the east.”

    Richard Kavinoky, Monan’s Rill Community

  • The North Bay Forest Improvement Program is a testament to successful collaboration. Thank you to Conservation Works for creating an innovative forest management program that reduces wildfire hazards and improves health on private forest lands. These shared investments will help build more resilience in the North Bay communities.

    Stewart McMorrow, Staff Chief for Wildfire Resilience at California Dept. of Forestry and Fire Protection

  • “This incentives program cracks open the opportunity for willing landowners, who otherwise might not be able to afford to do this work, to improve upon the public safety for our whole community by improving our forests’ wildfire resiliency.”

    Dr. Lisa Micheli, CEO of Pepperwoord Preserve & RNBF Board Member